過去,爸爸在加拿大讀書時, 曾患上腸癌。 . 當時,他孤身離鄉別井, 親友不在身旁, 只能獨自在絕境中, 以信心相信神醫治。 . 我希望透過這首歌, 讓我對爸爸的「愛」, 跨越到昔日時空, 鼓勵和支持爸爸。 . 同時也相信, 這首歌的「愛」, 能夠進入每位聽眾的心間, 安慰一切受苦的心靈。 . 在生命的末端, 發現愛在近處。 . Years ago, when my Dad was studying abroad in Canada, he was diagnosed with colon cancer— an illness that had sounded that death knell for many. . Thousands of miles away from his family in Hong Kong, my Dad could look upon no one else but God. Against all odds, he held onto his faith, trusting that God would deliver His healing power as explicitly promised in the Bible. Guess what? My Dad is safe and sound even to date, thanks to a miracle from Heaven! Praise God! . Though I was born years later, I hope this song will send my "love" through time and space to my Dad back in those difficult days. May he be encouraged and heartened, knowing that there's someone close cheering him on through the valleys of life. . May the "love" I instilled in this song also fill the hearts of those who need it, serving as a beacon of light as they navigate through their storms of life. . End is nearing; but love is approaching.
【End is nearing】創作意境
Time is running out, and so are your choices!
🎵Song Lyrics🎵
A1: Doctor where are you In this sea of blue I’m running outta time and things to do Every moment you’re gone I die a little more 醫生 你在哪裏 在茫茫人海裏 我的時日與瑣務逐漸消退 你稍瞬遠離 死亡便更進取
B1: The minute hand is ticking The end is nearing Will you tell me the final verdict 時針滴答往前推 臨近結局 最終裁決 可向我陳述?
The hour glass is spilling Your lips are moving Still I cannot believe it Noooooo Can't be 沙漏打破溢出 你嘴唇細述 我還是不敢相信 不!不可能
I have reached new heights I’m not prepared to say goodbye 我才攀進新高峰 尙未準備先行告退
C1: Counting down to Detonation Every breath inching towards destruction Every move that I make Every thought that I am formulating Why Is it driving me insane Every day another piece of my body is torn away I’m suffocating underneath the weights 炸彈引爆 倒數計時 每口呼吸都往毀滅去 我每次舉動 我每縷思緒 為甚麼 是要讓我發瘋麼 每天身軀逐漸被拆除 重壓下心力交瘁
A2: Mirror on the wall Waiting down the hall If we meet again, I won’t survive the fall Cannot bear to take another look at you 牆上鏡子 在大廳垂掛 若再次相見 恐怕活不下去 不忍再看 面容憔悴
B2: Arise oh broken-hearted, I know you’re weary Picking up all your smithereens Discard your heavy burdens and altogether We’ll rewrite your story 興起吧 心碎的你 深知你很疲累 修補你傷痕纍纍 抛開沉重負累 同來改寫生命詩句
Gooooooo Backward In time to restore The missing pieces of your mind 來前進 回到往昔修復 腦海中失卻的零碎
C2: Every movie has an ending Is it cheap or is it satisfying You decide who to play All the costumes and the sets are standing by Making ready the finale For a twist, no one expected to witness, a film for the ages The audience erupts into applause 映畫均有終局 是心碎抑或心醉 由你決定飾演誰 服裝佈景 井然有序 上演結局 準備就緒 出乎預料 見證歷年之最 觀眾送上掌聲如雷
C3: Cease your counting Start rewinding Live your days like you possess no other Every cloud in the sky, every popsicle you lick in summer Time ‘Nother blessing to deliver When the rooster crows you’ll wake up and say to yourself I am better No longer mulling over your regrets 停止倒數 倒帶回去 活好每天 如同終結那天 天際雲絮 夏日冰棒點綴 時間 生命的祝福 當公雞啼叫 你醒來便說 我好多了 再不遺憾掛慮
LP:It’s already in place, so take the step 準備就緒 儘管邁步去
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you're interested